V21000 Travel and Transportation
Field Trip
This is solely on travelling incurred related to research activities (e.g. trip for sample collection, sample analysis, survey etc.) for a particular research project, within the duration of the research project. The lodging expenses, subsistence allowance and the mileage rate is according to
the Funding Body Guidelines or as specified under the UTAR Division of Human Resource Policies and Regulations, where applicable.
Prior trip
Only require to submit the application once, budgeting for the whole year. If an advance is required, please submit the FM-IPSR-R&D-011 Application Form for Trip Expenses at least 17 days prior to the trip. The advance request is only applicable for the airfare expenses and accommodation.
After trip
Submit an official trip claim form (research grant) with supporting documents - within 2 weeks after trip.
The approval claims will based on the approved category and amount.
Conferences Application. Click here for more details.