International Collaborative Partner (ICP)

Name Prof Dr Chen Yulong
Qualification Postdoctoral, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
Ph.D. Chinese Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Master of Chinese Medicine, Henan University of Chinese Medicine
Bachelor of Medicine (Chinese Medicine), Henan University of Chinese Medicine
Organization Henan University of Chinese Medicine, China
UTAR Contact Person Dr Te Kian Keong
  • Professor of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Doctoral supervisor - Present
Research Publications
  • Chen Yulong, Wu Yaosong, Li Jiansheng(*), FengSuxiang, HaoLili, LiuXuefang, ZhengWanchun,
    DongHaoran, Qin Yanqin, YinSugai, Zhao Peng,Three Tiaobu Feishen therapies protect human
    alveolar epithelial cells against cigarette smoking and tumor necrosis factor-α-induced
    inflammation by nuclear factor-kappa B pathway.J Tradit Chin Med,2019,39(1): 45-49..
  • Zhang L, Wang Z, Chen Yulong, Zhang C, Xie S, Cui Y, Wang Z(*).Label-free proteomic analysis
    of PBMCs reveals gender differences in response to long-term antiretroviral therapy of HIV.J
    Proteomics. 2015;126:46-53.
  • Xuefang Liu ; Sugai Yin; Yulong Chen ; Yaosong Wu; Wanchun Zheng; Haoran Dong; Yan Bai;
    Yanqin Qin; Jiansheng Li (*) ; Suxiang Feng; Peng Zhao, LPS induced proinflammatory cytokine
    expression in human airway epithelial cells and macrophages via NF κB, STAT3 or AP 1 activation,
    Mol Med Rep, 2018, 17:5484~5491.
  • Sa Liu ; Yulong Chen ;Shiping Xie(*) ; Qianlei Xu; Jianshe Chen; ChanghaiWang; Zhao Wang,
    Gene Expression Profiles of HIV/AIDS Patients with Qi-Yin Deficiency and Dampness-Heat
Awards & Honours
  • Awarded, 2 Authorized invention patent,
  • 2 Computer software copyright.
  • Published papers:185, book: 5.
  • Third prize of Science and Technology Progress of Henan Province.
  • 2 First prize of Scientific and technological Achievements of Henan Education Department.
  • 1 First prize of Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology achievement of Henan Province.
  •  2 First prize of Natural Science paper of Henan Province