International Collaborative Partner (ICP)

Name Prof. Dr. Chee Wai Chua
Qualification Ph.D. (Cancer Biology)
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong S.A.R., China
Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honors)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Organization Shanghai Jiao Tong University
UTAR Contact Person Dr Ong Hooi Tin,

  • Group Leader-Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine affiliated Renji Hospital Shanghai, China- March 2019- Present
  • Professor-School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China-Dec 2018- Present
  • Principal Investigator and Lab Head-Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine affiliated Renji Hospital Shanghai, China- July 2017-Present
  • Adjunct Professor-Department of Urology- July 2017-Present
  • Associate Research Scientist-Departments of Urology and Medicine, Columbia University, New York, USA-Oct 2014-Jun 2016
  • Postdoctoral Research Scientist-Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbia University, New York, USA-June 2009-June 2014
Funded Research Projects
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program (82072845)
    Project title: Functional role of high LC3b-expressing luminal progenitors in prostate regeneration, and the
    initiation and progression of AR-independent prostate cancer (Principal Investigator; 2021-2024)
  • Foreign Youth Talent Program, Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission
    Project Title: Investigation of the role of LY6D positive prostate cancer cells in the progression of prostate cancer and the failure of androgen deprivation therapy -Host laboratory for Dr. Mike Mai (Chun Wai), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman/International Medical University, Malaysia (2020-2021)
  • Science and Technology Innovation Action Program The Belt Road Initiative International Cooperation Project,
    Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission
    Project Title: Investigation of the role of Runx2 in the initiation of prostate cancer bone metastasis-Host
    laboratory for Dr. Gabriel Chin (Kok Yong), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Principal Investigator; 2020-2021)
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program (81874098)
    Project title: Investigation of the role of androgen receptor-independent luminal progenitors and their molecular properties in the initiation prostate cancer initiation of neuroendocrine prostate cancer (Principal Investigator; 2019-2022)
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Program (81672548)
    Project title: Investigation of the role of androgen receptor-independent prostate epithelial progenitors in prostate
    cancer initiation and progression to castration resistance (Principal Investigator; 2017-2020)
  • Program for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar), Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning
    (TP2016012) (Principal Investigator; 2017-2019)
  •  Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Affiliated Renji Hospital Startup Grant (Principal Investigator;
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Double Hundred Talent Program (Principal Investigator;
  • State Key Laboratory of Oncogenes and Related Genes-Seed Funding (Principal Investigator; 2018-2019)
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Affiliated Renji Hospital-Seed Funding (Mentor for Dr. Yong
    Zhang, Principal Investigator; 2018-2020)
  • USA Department of Defense (DOD) Prostate Cancer Research Program Postdoctoral Training Grant
    Project title: Functional analysis of androgen receptor in prostate epithelial stem cells (Principal Investigator;
Teaching Interests
  • Cell Biology course, 1st Year Medical Students, Shanghai Jiao Tong University-University of Ottawa Joint Medical Program, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Stem Cell Biology course, 1st Year Postgraduate Students, School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University
Publications & Presentations
  • Mai CW, Shu Y, Cheong SK, Chua CW. Prostate organoid technology -the new POT of gold in prostate stem cell and cancer research Acta Physiol Sin. Accepted *Equal contribution; Corresponding author
  • Shu Y, Chua CW. An organoid assay for long-term maintenance of prostate luminal progenitors and cancers. In Mouse Cell Culture, Bertoncello I (Ed.) Methods Mol Biol. (2019) 1940:231-54 Corresponding author
  • Chua CW, Epsi NJ, Leung EY, Xuan S, Lei M, Li BI, Bergren SK, Hibshoosh H, Mitrofanova A, Shen MM. Differential requirements of androgen receptor in luminal progenitors during prostate regeneration and tumor initiation. Elife. (2018) 7. pii: e28768.
  • Chua CW, Shibata M, Lei M*, Toivanen R, Barlow LJ, Bergren SK, Badani KK, McKiernan JM, Benson MC, Hibshoosh H, Shen MM. Single luminal epithelial progenitors can generate prostate organoids in culture. Nat Cell Biol. (2014) 16(10):951-61. Equal contribution
  • Chua CW, Shibata M, Lei M, Toivanen R, Barlow LJ, Shen MM. Culture of mouse prostate organoids Protocol Exchange (2014) doi:10.1038/protex.2014.037.Featured in article entitled Orchestrating Organoids - A guide to crafting tissues in a dish that reprise in vivo organs, by Kelly Rae Chi, The Scientist magazine on September 1, 2015, http://www.the-
  • Chua CW, Chiu YT, Yuen HF, Chan KW, Wang X, Ling MT, Wong YC. Differential expression of Msx2 in nodular hyperplasia, high-grade PIN and prostate adenocarcinoma. APMIS. (2010) 118(12):918-26.
  • Chua CW, Chiu YT, Yuen HF, Chan KW, Man K, Wang X, Ling MT, Wong YC. Suppression of androgen- independent prostate cancer cell aggressiveness by FTY720: validating Runx2 as a potential antimetastatic drug screening platform. Clin Cancer Res. (2009) 15(13):4322-35.
  • Chua CW, Lee DT, Ling MT, Zhou C, Man K, Ho J, Chan FL, Wang X, Wong YC. FTY720, a fungus metabolite,
    inhibits in vivo growth of androgen-independent prostate cancer. Int J Cancer. (2005) 117(6):1039-48.
  • Hanoun M, Arnal-Estape A, Maryanovich M, Zahalka AH, Bergren SK, Chua CW, Leftin A, Brodin PN, Shen MM, Guha C, Frenette PS. Nestin+NG2+ Cells Form a Reserve Stem Cell Population in the Mouse Prostate. Stem Cell Reports. (2019) 12(6):1201-11.
  • Lee SH, Hu W, Matulay JT, Silva MV, Owczarek TB, Kim K, Chua CW. Barlow LJ, Kandoth C, Williams AB, Bergren SK, Pietzak EJ, Anderson CB, Benson MC, Coleman JA, Taylor BS, Abate-Shen C, McKiernan JM, Al- Ahmadie H, Solit DB, Shen MM. Tumor evolution and drug response in patient-derived organoid models of bladder cancer. Cell. (2018) 173(2):515-528.e17.
  • Zhang H, Zheng T, Chua CW, Shen MM, Gelmann EP. Nkx3.1 controls the DNA repair response in the mouse prostate Prostate. (2016) 76(4):402-8.
  • Hu H, Zhang XP, Wang YL, Chua CW, Luk SU, Wong YC, Ling MT, Wang XF, Xu KX. Identification of a novel function of Id-1 in mediating the anticancer responses of SAMC, a water-soluble garlic derivative, in human bladder cancer cells. Mol Med Rep. (2011) 4(1):9-16.
  • Yuen HF, Chiu YT, Chan KK, Chan YP, Chua CW, McCrudden CM, Tang KH, El-Tanani M, Wong YC, Wang X, Chan KW. Prostate cancer cells modulate osteoblast mineralisation and osteoclast differentiation through Id-1. Br J Cancer. (2010) 102(2):332-41.
  • Chiu YT, Han HY, Leung SC, Yuen HF, Chua CW, Guo Z, Qiu Y, Chan KW, Wang X, Wong YC, Ling MT.CDC25A functions as a novel Ar corepressor in prostate cancer cells. J Mol Biol. (2009) 385(2):446-56.
  • Hu H, Han HY, Wang YL, Zhang XP, Chua CW, Wong YC, Wang XF, Ling MT, Xu KX. The role of Id-1 in chemosensitivity and epirubicin-induced apoptosis in bladder cancer cells. Oncol Rep. (2009) 21(4):1053-9.
  • Howard EW, Lee DT, Chiu YT, Chua CW, Wang X, Wong YC. Evidence of a novel docetaxel sensitizer, garlic- derived S-allylmercaptocysteine, as a treatment option for hormone refractory prostate cancer. Int J Cancer. (2008) 122(9):1941-8.
  • Howard EW, Leung SC, Yuen HF, Chua CW, Lee DT, Chan KW, Wang X, Wong YC. Decreased adhesiveness, resistance to anoikis and suppression of GRP94 are integral to the survival of circulating tumor cells in prostate cancer. Clin Exp Metastasis. (2008) 25(5):497-508.
  • Yuen HF, Kwok WK, Chan KK, Chua CW, Chan YP, Chu YY, Wong YC, Wang X, Chan KW. TWIST modulates prostate cancer cell-mediated bone cell activity and is upregulated by osteogenic induction. Carcinogenesis. (2008) 29(8):1509-18.
  • Yuen HF, Chua CW, Chan YP, Wong YC, Wang X, Chan KW. Significance of TWIST and E-cadherin
    expression in the metastatic progression of prostatic cancer. Histopathology. (2007) 50(5):648-58.
  • Howard EW, Ling MT, Chua CW, Cheung HW, Wang X, Wong YC. Garlic-derived S-allylmercaptocysteine is a novel in vivo antimetastatic agent for androgen-independent prostate cancer. Clin Cancer Res. (2007) 13(6):1847-56.
  • Li X, Zhang Z, Xin D, Chua CW, Wong YC, Leung SC, Na Y, Wang X. Prognostic significance of Id-1 and its
    association with EGFR in renal cell cancer. Histopathology. (2007) 50(4):484-90.
  • Zhang Z, Xie D, Li X, Wong YC, Xin D, Guan XY, Chua CW, Leung SC, Na Y, Wang X. Significance of TWIST
    expression and its association with E-cadherin in bladder cancer. Hum Pathol. (2007) 38(4):598-606.
  • Yuen HF, Chua CW, Chan YP, Wong YC, Wang X, Chan KW. Id proteins expression in prostate cancer: high- level expression of Id-4 in primary prostate cancer is associated with development of metastases. Mod Pathol. (2006) 19(7):931-41.
  • Ding Y, Wang G, Ling MT, Wong YC, Li X, Na Y, Zhang X, Chua CW, Wang X, Xin D. Significance of Id-1 up-
    regulation and its association with EGFR in bladder cancer cell invasion. Int J Oncol. (2006) 28(4):847-54.
  • Ling MT, Lau TC, Zhou C, Chua CW, Kwok WK, Wang Q, Wang X, Wong YC. Overexpression of Id-1 in prostate cancer cells promotes angiogenesis through the activation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Carcinogenesis. (2005) 26(10):1668-76.
  • Kwok WK, Ling MT, Lee TW, Lau TC, Zhou C, Zhang X, Chua CW, Chan KW, Chan FL, Glackin C, Wong YC, Wang X. Up-regulation of TWIST in prostate cancer and its implication as a therapeutic target. Cancer Res. (2005) 65(12):5153-62.
  • Norazlina M, Chua CW, Ima-Nirwana S. Vitamin E deficiency reduced lumbar bone calcium content in female
    rats. Med J Malaysia. (2004) 59(5):623-30.
Awards & Honours
  • Shanghai Overseas High-Level Talents Program
  • Program for Professor of Special Appointment, which carries the title of Eastern
    Scholar , Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Double Hundred Talent Program
  • Department of Defense (DOD) Prostate Cancer Research Program Postdoctoral
    Training Award
  • Scholar-in-Training Award at AACR Stem Cells, Development, and Cancer special
    conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada