UTAR Research Fund 2014 Cycle 1
(1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015)

No. Faculty Principal Investigator Project Title Project Extension Date
1 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Mr. King Yeong Jin Flow-Induced Acoustics in Corrugated Pipe N/A
2 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Khoo Hooi Ling A Study on Optimal Green Fleet Planning For Electric Bus N/A
3 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Lee Kim Yee Development of Dual Open Ended Coaxial Sensor System for Dielectric Measurements N/A
4 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Mr. See Yuen Chark Face recognition in an unconstrained environment N/A
5 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Mr. Chua Kein Huat Research on building energy efficiency and demand-side management N/A
6 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Lim Eng Hock Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Reflectarrays N/A
7 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Mah Shee Keat Harness of osmotic power as a source of renewable energy from raw glycerin through pressure retarded osmosis N/A
8 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Sim Jia Huey The conversion of bioplastics waste into a value added products of biofuels N/A
9 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Ms. Tee Shiau Foon Identification of risk copy number variations (CNVs) in schizophrenia families. N/A
10 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Koh Siew Khew Maintenance of Multi-state Single Server Queue with Non-Poisson Arrivals Deteriorated by Random Shocks and Production. N/A
11 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Mok Siew Ying The study of ultra-slow oscillations in neuronal population activity of rat cortical cultures N/A
12 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Ms. Yap Lee Ken Block Hybrid Collocation Methods for Fourth Order Differential Equations N/A
13 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Lee Poh Foong Therapy on People with Depressive Symptoms by Monitoring with Electroencephalogram and Electromyogram N/A
15 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Mr. Ting Chen Hunt Enhancement of Ageing Resistance of Yttria-Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals by Microwave Sintering N/A
16 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Yap Yeow Hong Pilot scale synthesis of Pt/Al2O¬3 catalysts using charge enhanced dry impregnation technique N/A
17 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Tan Chew Khun Pilot scale synthesis of Pt/Al2O¬3 catalysts using charge enhanced dry impregnation technique N/A
18 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Ms. Leong Siew Yoong Synthesis and Characterization of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Produced by Hermetia illucens Larvae 31 December 2015
19 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology  Dr. Yeap Kim Ho Investigation of the Optical Performance of Radio Telescopes N/A
20 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Humaira Nisar Tracking of EEG activity using Motion Estimation to map neural connectivity in the brain N/A
21 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technolog Dr. Joshua a/l Jaya Prakash Design and Development of a Novel CONWIP-based System for Facility-Specific Application N/A
22 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technolog Dr. Tan Kok Weng Assessment of Water Resources Vulnerability to Climate Change in Highland Region: Case study in Cameron Highlands 31 December 2015
23 Faculty of Science Dr. Lee Chee Leong Enhancement of optical efficiency of the solar cell using self-assembled nanospheres or microspheres.   N/A
24 Faculty of Science Dr. Wong Wey Lim Establish an eco-friendly and sustainable aquaculture system in ex-mining ponds located in the Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Perak Campus. Phase I: Assessment of fish diversity, and evaluation of heavy metals and pesticides in N/A
25 Faculty of Science Dr. Lem Kong Hoong On the coupling of M-HAM and Laplace transform for non-homogeneous differential equation. N/A
26 Faculty of Science Dr. Kwong Phek Jin Vitrification of cattle oocytes using a newly characterized and fabricated biodegradable nanoporus mat 31 December 2015
27 Faculty of Science Dr. Lye Huey Shi In vitro and simulation assessments of minerals on β-galactosidase activity of Lactobacillus in medium containing lactose N/A
28 Faculty of Science Dr. Lisa Ong Gaik Ai Isolation of extracellular phytase producing bacteria and production of extracellular phytase by locally isolated bacteria 31 January 2016
29 Faculty of Science Dr. Ooi Mei Lee Morphological study of MoxSy thin film formed from aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition. N/A
30 Faculty of Science Dr. Tey Lai Hock Isolation, screening and characterization of the potential microbes to enhance the conversion of food-wastes to biofertilizer. 31 December 2015
31 Faculty of Science Dr. Wong Hann Ling Development of a transposase-assisted vector system for nuclear transformation in yeast N/A
32 Faculty of Science Mr. Looi Sing Yan Comparison between Ordinary Least-Squares Regression and Bayesian Regression: Does Bayesian Regression have advantages for small sample size or non-normal data?  N/A
33 Faculty of Science Dr.Tan Gim Cheong Construction of Recombinant Bacteriophage of SFN6 (S.flexneri specific bacteriophage) Towards Establishing Affordable Phage Based Diagnostic Platform For Shigella flexneri Infection. 31 January 2016
34 Faculty of Science Dr. Chew Choy Hoong In-vitro study of the adipogenic effect of Cocos nucifera milk N/A
35 Faculty of Science Dr. Goh Wei Lim Genetic resources of Gigantochloa (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) in Peninsular Malaysia N/A
36 Faculty of Science Dr. Phoon Lee Quen De novo transcriptome analysis of resistance genes in Hylocereus sp.      N/A
37 Faculty of Science Dr. Ha Sie Tiong Synthesis and mesomorphic properties of new nitrogen heterocycles and their hydrogen-bonded complexes N/A
38 Faculty of Arts and Social Science Dr. Kok Jin Kuan Experience of posting and viewing food and ideal body image pictures on Facebook N/A
39 Faculty of Arts and Social Science Ms Gheeta a/p Chandran Linguistic Sexism in Malaysian Folktales : A Corpus-based Approach 30 November 2015
40 Faculty of Arts and Social Science Ms. Lau Xiao Shan The Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP): Testing Its Construct Validity in Malaysia 31 December 2015
41 Faculty of Arts and Social Science Mr. Tan Chee Seng Why is Shyness harmful to Creativity? The Mediating Role of Creative Process Engagement 31 December 2015
42 Faculty of Creative Industries Ms. Yuen May Chan Are You Ready for Self-Directed Learning?: A Study of Self-Directed Learning Readiness Of UTAR Animation Undergraduates N/A
43 Faculty of Creative Industries Mr. Wong Su Cheong Infusion Of Higher Order Thinking Skills In Creative Design Instruction To Enhance Students Learning At UTAR N/A
44 Faculty of Creative Industries Dr. Lee Chien Sing Developing creative thinking in Engineering Education using Student-designed Ontological Folksonomy N/A
45 Faculty of Creative Industries Pn. Nor Azlili Binti Hassan THE PERCEIVED IMPACT OF ANIME ON UNIVERSITY STUDENTS N/A
46 Faculty of Creative Industries Ms. Maithreyi Subramaniam Problems at tertiary education: Overlooking art appreciation as an significant part in curriculum planning N/A
47 Faculty of Creative Industries Mr. Thinavan a/l Periyayya Consumer response to Corporate Social Responsibility advocacy communication in the context of brand/advocacy-fit. N/A
48 Faculty of Creative Industries Ms. Saraswathy a/p Thurairaj A Critical Discourse Analysis on Language Policy Shift in Malaysia: Correlation between Malays Social-Cultural Factors with  PPSMI N/A
49 Faculty of Creative Industries Ms. Chew Wee Lee Media Representations of Indonesians in Malaysia: An examination of Malaysian mainstream media articles. N/A
50 Faculty of Creative Industries Dr. Siew Pei Hwa An empirical investigation of university students' acceptance towards a learning management system at a Malaysian university N/A
51 Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Ms. Saw Seow Hui A Weighted Graph-Cut Approach for 3D Mesh Segmentation N/A
52 Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Dr. Rehan Akbar Study to Investigate the Effect of Global Software Development (GSD) on Software Development Processes In Malaysian Software Development Companies  31 December 2015
53 Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Mr. Lee Wai Kong High Speed Searchable Symmetric Encryption System on GPU N/A
54 Faculty of Business and Finance Ms. Seow Ai Na Travel intention among foreign tourists for medical treatment in Malaysia. N/A
55 Faculty of Business and Finance Ms Lau Lin Sea The role of tourism in the linkage between pollution, energy consumption, and economic growth: evidence from the Asian countries N/A
56 Faculty of Business and Finance Ms Lau Say Min Claudia Managers’ Intention to Hire Older Workers in Malaysia: An Application of Theory of Planned Behavior 31 December 2015
57 Faculty of Accounting and Management Mr Chong Shyue Chuan Bequest Awareness and Perception: View and Awareness of Inheritance in Selangor N/A
58 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Dr Kartheek Balapala Ranganayakulu Difference in stress level between health science students and non health science students in UniversityTunku Abdul Rahman Malaysia. N/A
59 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Prof. Dr Shelly Soo @ Soo Shelly Development of aChemoresistant Colorectal Cancer Stem Cell Model N/A
60 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Professor Dr. Choo Kong Bung Identification of cell cycle-related microRNA-515 family members in induced-pluripotent stem cells  N/A
61 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Ms Ng Foong Leng Clinical research on efficacy and mechanism of acupuncture for obesity in Malaysia
62 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Dr Te Kian Keong Clinical Experience Summaries of 3 Malaysian Famous Chinese Medicine Practitioners
63 Institute of Chinese Studies Ms Tan Ai Boay From the Coastal Areas of South China to the Fishing Village of Penang:  A Study of the Hailufeng in Gertak Sanggul(從華南沿海到檳島漁村:海陸豐人在美湖的百年拓殖史研究) N/A
64 Institute of Chinese Studies Ms Ling Liong Ngo Female Images and Roles in Tang and Song Poetry  31 December 2015
65 Institute of Chinese Studies Dr Pua Shiau Chen History on  Development of Elegy Literature Study-Pre Qin and HanWei Six Dynasty  volume 挽歌文学发展史研究-先秦汉魏六朝卷) N/A