UTAR Research Fund 2016 Cycle 2
(20 December 2016 - 19 December 2017)

No. Faculty Principal Investigator Project Title Project Extension Date
1 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Hum Yan Chai The design and development of a fully automated MR Image cartilage detection and segmentation framework. 31 January 2018
2 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Prof. Dr. Chong Kok Keong Top-up fund to AAIBE project on dense-array concentrator photovoltaic system for infrastructure in Kampar campus. N/A
3 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Chong Zan Kai Improving Energy Efficiency of Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks with Locally Decodable Code N/A
4 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Mr. Chua Kein Huat Optimization of photovoltaic and energy storage systems for microgrid to achieve the minimum cost of electricity N/A
5 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Denis Wong Chee Keong Code- and Lattice-based signature scheme over extra special p-group 19 June 2018
6 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Gobi Vetharatnam Modelling an electrically small corner reflector antenna using the method-of-images. 19 June 2018
7 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Huang Yuk Feng Improving the Performance of Streamflow Forecasting Models using Different Data-Preprocessing Techniques: A Case Study in Dungun River Basin, Terengganu N/A
8 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Leong Loong Kong Development of Coconut Shell Activated Carbon Supported Dual Function Catalysts for Carbon Capture and Utilisation 30 July 2018
9 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Lim Eng Hock Compact Slot-loaded Folded-patch Tag Antennas for Metal Objects N/A
10 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Lim Jee Hock Experimental and numerical study on the effect of heel plate length and thickness on the structural integrity of cold-formed steel roof trusses N/A
11 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Mr. Ling Lloyd The development of region specific urban rainfall-runoff prediction model 19 June 2018
12 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Ng Chai Yan Iron Oxide Nanostructures prepared by Low Temperature Hydrothermal Method for Photoelectrochemical and Wastewater Treatment 19 June 2018
13 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Ng Lik Yin Systematic Decision Making Methodology for Chemical Product Design in Integrated Biorefineries N/A
14 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Ng Oon-Ee Rubber leaf size and Chlorophyll content monitoring N/A
15 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Ong Ying Hui An enzyme driven supplemental carbon source for biological nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment 19 June 2018
16 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Pua Chang Hong Optical based water pipeline leakage monitoring system N/A
17 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Shee Yu Gang Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis (BOTDA) for Structural Health Monitoring 19 June 2018
18 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Sujan Chowdhury Development of Graphene based polymer nanocomposite for advanced food packaging 19 June 2018
19 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr.Tee Yee Kai Audio recovery via subtle vibrations in the video: a feasibility study of “visual” microphone 19 June 2018
20 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Tham Mau Luen Energy-Efficient Optimization for Multiuser Video Transmission over Wireless Networks N/A
21 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Wong Jian Hui Interactive coordination of energy storage systems on low-voltage for maximum penetration of renewable energy 19 June 2018
22 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Dr. Wong Kam Huei Adsorption-photocatalysis accelerate degradation of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using TiO2 supported on biomass waste-derived activated carbon 19 June 2018
23 Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Ms. Wong Kuan Wai Statistical Tests on Chaotic Based Image Encryption Revisited 19 June 2018
24 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Prof. Dr. Akihiko Nakayama Development of numerical method of tracking and managing floating objects in rivers and channels N/A
25 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Gobi a/l Kanadasan Dynamics of polyhydroxyalkanoate composition with microbubble aeration N/A
26 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Kwan Wai Hoe Enhancing Performance of Rice Husk Ash as Supplementary Cementitous Material using Acid Leaching Treatment N/A
27 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Leong Kah Hon Modification of Perovskite Oxide to Synergise Visible Light Utilisation for Enhanced Solar Driven Photocatalysis 19 June 2018
28 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Mohammed JK Bashir A new Hybrid Membrane Incorporated with Biochar Submerged in Anaerobic Reactor for Sanitary Landfill leachate Treatment N/A
29 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Sin Jin Chung Design and synthesis of magnetic α-Fe2O3 based nanocomposite photocatalysts for recyclable solar photocatalysis applications in wastewater treatment 28 February  2018
30 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Teh Peh Chiong Compact LiDAR module for 3D scanning and mapping N/A
31 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Toh Pey Yi Flocculation and Sedimentation of Microalgae: Fundamental Study and Development N/A
32 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Yeap Kim Ho Development of an Implantable Antenna for Biomedical Telemetry N/A
33 Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology Dr. Yeoh Wei Ming Surface Modification of Carbon Nanotubes Through Functionalization Process 19 April 2018
34 Faculty of Science Dr. Lim Boon Hoe Enhancement of carbon dioxide capture through genetic engineering in Escherichia coli 31 March 2018
35 Faculty of Science Dr. Chang Ying Ping Guava Waste Valorization Through Chemical Treatment 19 June 2018
36 Faculty of Science Dr. Chew Choy Hoong Effect of lauric acid on pro-inflammatory cytokines secretion and macrophage polarization in insulin resistance THP-1 macrophages 19 June 2018
37 Faculty of Science Dr. Goh Wei Lim Diet analysis and foraging behaviour of the house-farm swiftlets (Apodidae, Collocalinii) in Malaysia 19 June 2018
38 Faculty of Science Dr. Ong Mei Kying Studies of sialic acids and nutritional composition of slimes from Malaysian gastropods N/A
39 Faculty of Science Mr. Prashanth Beleya Transforming human resource management towards primary role in enhancing supply chain management organization performance N/A
40 Faculty of Arts and Social Science Dr. Cheah Phaik Kin Conceptualizing Teaching Excellence in Higher Education in the 21st Century 19 June 2018
41 Faculty of Arts and Social Science Dr. Lee Lai Meng Determinants of student loyalty in the Malaysian Private Higher education industry N/A
42 Faculty of Arts and Social Science Mr. S Maartandan A/L Suppiah Exploring Tun Mahathir's leadership communication: Indian community responses to Tun Mahathir's Islamic policies N/A
43 Faculty of Arts and Social Science Mr. Yap Chin Choo A study comparing psychosocial components, health literacy and demographic variations amongst Type 2 diabetics via HbA1c results 19 June 2018
44 Faculty of Creative Industries Ms. Wan Irma Sabrina Idris DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF M-KIDS MOBILE APPS FOR ISLAMIC PRE-SCHOOL 19 June 2018
45 Faculty of Creative Industries Ms. Wirawani Kamarulzaman Generation alpha: Are they ready for schools? N/A
46 Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Mr. Lee Wai Kong Cryptographic Engine for IoT Application: Design, Implementation and Integration with IoT Processor 19 June 2018
47 Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Dr. Vasaki a/p Ponnusamy User Behavior Based Mobiile Cloud Authentication System N/A
48 Faculty of Business and Finance Dr. Chong Yee Lee Towards an understanding on the determinants of renewable electricity consumption in Malaysia N/A
49 Faculty of Business and Finance Ms. Erica Chua Ning Jia Entrepreneurial Orientation : A study on Malaysia's family owned firms N/A
50 Faculty of Business and Finance Mr. Garry Tan Wei Han Mobile Social Media Advertising in Tourism: A New Form of Marketing Channel? N/A
51 Faculty of Business and Finance Ms. Juliana binti Abu Bakar Demographics, Economics and Psychographics Determinants of Life Insurance Consumption among School Teachers in Kampar, Perak 31 March 2018
52 Faculty of Business and Finance Dr. Sofiah Kadar Khan The Effect of Emotional Exhaustion and Work Life balance on Organization Citizenship Behaviour: The Mediating Role of Occupational Commitment Among Academics in Private Universities N/A
53 Faculty of Business and Finance Mr. Tee Chee Wee A Local Case Study on Mr. D.I.Y. 19 June 2018
54 Faculty of Accounting and Management Ms. Tai Lit Cheng Organic Agriculture and Marketing Perspectives for Zenxin Organic Food Company: A Case Study N/A
55 Faculty of Accounting and Management Dr. Teddy Lian Kok Fei A Study of Malaysia’s Human Capital Management (HCM) Roles, Competencies and Practices in Selected Organizations in the Manufacturing Sector N/A
56 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Prof. Dr. Boo Nem Yun Effectiveness of the Bilistick Point-of-Care System to shorten waiting time to phototherapy for neonates presenting with hyperbilirubinemia at hospital emergency departments and neonatal nurseries N/A
57 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Prof. Dr. Choo Kong Bung Role of miRNAs in regulating the EMT/MET processes in colorectal cancer-derived induced pluripotent cancer cells (CRC-iPCs) N/A
58 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Prof. Dr. Ngeow Yun Fong Antibiotic resistance mechanisms in Mycobacterium abscessus 19 June 2018
59 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Prof. Dr. Ngeow Yun Fong Rapid identification, drug resistance detection and genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis N/A
61 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Ms. Liew Siew Fun Sleep Disorders among Older Person in Long Term Care Facilities within Klang Valley N/A
62 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Prof. Dr. Lim Yang Mooi Immuno-modulatory effect of house-cultivated edible bird’s nest N/A
63 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Prof. Dr. Lim Yang Mooi Identification of Key Metabolites in House-cultivated Edible Bird’s Nest Derived from 13 States of Malaysia N/A
64 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Ms. Choo Peak Yean Urinary Incontinence in the elderly from long term care homes within the Klang Valley: A study of the prevalence, types, risk factors and the perception towards quality of life. 19 June 2018
65 Faculty of Medicine and Health Science Dr. Koh Chong Lek Isolation and characterization of Legionella bacteriophages from environmental water samples N/A
66 Institute of Chinese Studies Dr. Lee Soo Chee A Study of the Writing techniques, topographies and literary turning trends of the 5 1980s’ born Malaysian Chinese Poets N/A