Internal Fundings


The UTAR Strategic Research Funding Scheme (UTARSRF) is introduced to promote excellence in research that expands the boundaries of knowledge, especially in strategic research areas that have been identified by the University.

The UTARSRF Scheme is to promote peer cooperation across various departments/faculties within UTAR and is multi-disciplinary in nature. The UTARSRF Scheme is for research that involves extensive scope, longer duration and requires high commitment. The UTARSRF Scheme can generate new ideas and theories in strategic research areas to expand the boundaries of knowledge.


  • To provide funding for a long term research programme on strategic research areas.
  • To enhance excellence in the generation of theories, ideas and innovative creation in strategic research areas for the development of new knowledge.


  • UTAR has the right to vary or modify the UTARSRF Scheme from time to time.
  • The President is empowered to make exemptions from any section of this Policy as he deems appropriate.
  • The decision of the President is final on all matters regarding the interpretation of this Policy.


This grant is open to UTAR academic staff with the following conditions:

  • Stage 1: Submission of concept paper - An applicant shall be required to submit two (2) hard copies and the soft copy of the concept paper.
  • Stage 2: Submission of full proposal upon recommendation of concept paper
    • UTARSRF Application form – programme
    • UTARSRF Application form – project
  • An applicant shall be required to submit two (2) hard copies and the soft copy of the completed UTARSRF Application Forms.


This grant is open to UTAR academic staff with the following conditions:

  • Applicants shall normally be full time academic staff of UTAR in order to be eligible to apply for funding under the UTARSRF scheme
  • Applicants must be committed to complete the research programme within their tenure at UTAR.
  • The Programme Leader shall apply for the grant but team members are part of grant recipients.
  • The maximum duration of the research programme is 3 years.
  • A research programme must involve a minimum of three (3) projects from different department/faculties within UTAR. The projects must be inter-related and provide answers to the problem statement/research question to be addressed by the research programme.
  • Application must be multi-disciplinary (at least three (3) research areas), involving the corpus of science, engineering & technology and social sciences, arts & humanities.
  • Maximum allocation of RM600,000.00 per research programme for the whole duration (maximum 3 years) with a maximum funding of RM200,000.00 per research programme per year.
  • The Programme Leader must be the most experienced academic staff among the researchers in the proposed research programme.
  • Under certain circumstances, an extension of research programme duration without additional funding may be allowed.
  • The Programme Leader must also certify that:
    • All the details in the programme are true and complete
    • Projects under the programme meet the objectives, eligibility and approval criteria, and all related guidelines and policies
    • Projects under the programme are able to commit the time specified in the proposed research project to ensure the projected outcomes are realized;
    • Projects under the programme have sought all relevant clearances for the proposed research;
    • Projects under the programme will conduct the research in accordance with the Occupational, Health and Safety Regulations and all other ethical and safety considerations; and
    • Projects under the programme will surrender all research data and findings to the University after completion of the research.


Each Vote stands for different amounts of approved budgets. These budgets have different procedures to utilise them. Click the link provided to view the details.


Each research programme must publish at least five (5) indexed journal publications in either

  • WOS (Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), Science Citation Index (SCI), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) or Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)) or 中文核心期刊要目总览; or
  • SCOPUS; or
  • at least one (1) of the following international journal databases: Emerging Sources Citation Index under Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Ei Compendex, ERIC, Cabells, ABI, Emerald, Inspec, TSSCI, THCI or CSSCI (中文社会科学引文索引).