Internal Fundings


The UTAR Research Fund (UTARRF) is an internally allocated funding meant to support research and related activities of UTAR as follows:

A - Research and development (R&D) projects conducted by UTAR researchers

B -Research related activities such as research publications, the establishment of research centres, the organizing of conferences, research output demonstration and exhibition, the establishment of research links and collaborations, the protection of intellectual properties generated from research or others as to be determined by the Senior Management Committee (SMC) of the university.


  • This UTARRF Policy is applicable to all staff of UTAR and UTAR has the right to vary or modify the Policy from time to time.
  • The President is empowered to make exemptions from any section of this Policy as he deems appropriate.
  • The decision of the President is final on all matters regarding the interpretation of this Policy.


The Internal Screening Committee (ISC) shall consists of the following members:

  • Deputy Dean (R&D and Postgraduate Programmes) – Chairman
  • Minimum of two (2) expert in related areas
  • Minimum of one (1) FRDPC Representative
  • Director/Deputy Director of Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research (IPSR)


  • Applicants shall normally be full time academic staff of UTAR in order to be eligible to apply for funding under the UTARRF scheme.
  • Applicants must be committed to complete the project within their tenure at UTAR.
  • The Principal researcher shall apply for the grant but team members are part of grant recipients.
  • Priority shall be given to first time applicants.
  • All research projects must be in line with UTAR’s priority research areas and not in conflict with the University’s interest.
  • The Principal Researcher shall register the Research Project in the UTAR Undergraduate Research Scheme (URS) and recruit a minimum of 2 student participants to expose and train them in the various aspects of research project implementation.This shall not apply to the Research Project in which the Principal Researcher is implementing as his postgraduate study.
  • The Principal Researcher shall submit application for external funding within the project duration.
  • The Principal Researcher shall complete the Research Project within the stipulated time period, prepare the written report and satisfy UTAR in detailing the achievement of the Research Project objectives, milestones and output as stipulated in the UTARRF Agreement.
  • Failure on the part of the Principal Researcher to achieve the above stated will affect his future application(s) for UTAR internal research grants in the capacity as Principal Investigator and/or co-researcher.
  • The duration allowed for each project is normally one (1) year, with a possible extension of six (6) months with justification(s). In special cases, a further extension which shall not exceed six (6) months may be granted. An application for extension is to be made in writing at least three (3) months before the project completion date.
  • The Principal Researcher who has successfully secured an external R&D grant for a related/similar Research Project within the project duration, shall return the balance of UTARRF fund (if any) after deducting the approved Top-up fund.


UTARRF grant award amount Timeline Publications Performance Index
RM100,000 and above Within the project duration and up to two (2) years from the completion date Three (3) indexed journal articles submitted OR Two (2) indexed journal articles submitted AND One (1) indexed conference proceeding article published in Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index or SciVerse SCOPUS.
From RM50,000 to RM99,999 Within the project duration and up to one (1) year from the completion date Two (2) indexed journal articles submitted OR One (1) indexed journal article submitted AND One (1) indexed conference proceeding article published in Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index or SciVerse SCOPUS.
RM49,999 and below Within the project duration and up to two (1) year from the completion date One (1) indexed journal articles submitted OR One (1) indexed conference proceeding article published in Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index or SciVerse SCOPUS OR One (1) research book and/orM research book chapter submitted in Web of Science Book Citation Index or SCOPUS or publishers registered with recognised publication bodies such as Majlis Penerbitan Ilmiah Malaysia (MAPIM) or by reputable publishers.


Each Vote stands for different amounts of approved budgets. These budgets have different procedures to utilise them. Click the link provided to view the details.